KJV Bible Verse for Today

Daily devotional with a Bible verse, thought, and prayer. The Lord chose Zion and wants it to be his home. We need your help to deliver our loved ones. Lord, we seek your joy and all the promises that you have made to our hearts.

You have made it clear that you will do what is best for you, even in the midst all the sorrow and pain. We should be able to see the fulfillment of many of your promises in our lives so that we can continue moving forward, even when faced with difficult situations. We ask for your mercy and strength. Unless otherwise noted, all scripture citations are taken from THE HOLY BIBLE NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION.

What is the Bible Verse of The Day King James Version?

2 Timothy 3:16 is the Bible Verse of the Day in King James Version. This verse teaches us that all Scripture is inspired and can be used for teaching, correcting, rebuking, and training in righteousness. This powerful verse reminds us how important the Bible is in our lives. The Bible can help us learn more about God’s character, and His plans for our lives. You can also learn wisdom and grace to help you face life’s challenges. We are truly blessed to have the Bible in our lives as a source for strength and guidance.

The book of Psalms is today’s daily bible verse. Psalm 46.10 says: “Be still, and remember that I am God.” This verse reminds us to slow down and be still. It also reminds us that God is in complete control. It can be easy to forget this truth in the midst our busy lives. When we stop and take a deep breath, we can remind ourselves that God is our support and protector. We can be sure that God has a plan for us and will not leave us. Let us now take a moment and be still to remember that God is our loving Father, who is always there for us.

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